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Unnel Is Apt Ime For Tunnel
tUNNEL" as a description of bridge-cum-tunnel now ig mooted for the Channel ;sing is more appropriate n the originator of the word y have realised. It is an ique salute to......
) Excuses Armitage
EXCUSE existed for Press I broadcasting reporters to be iny doubt about the practical )lications of the Armitage ort and the Government ite Paper on it published on :ember 1.......
An Opera For Road Transport
TONY BANKS, chairman of the Greater London Council arts and recreation committee, has visions of English National Opera performing at the Ford works at Dagenham. Supporters......
Pounds For Pound Business Grows
MORE than 70,000 motorists are paying some £2.6 million a year to recover their illegally parked cars from ten London police pounds. Business is so good that the police are......
These Noise Rating Really Puzzle Me
DAF, which has already taker sound-deadening measures tc meet EEC regulations that WI not come into force until Marl 1983, has issued for cornparatili purposes examples of noise......
Who Forked Out At A45 Dinner?
ALTHOUGH members of the Cabinet pay to dine with the Prime Minister at 10 Downini Street, eight Wellingborough councillors were a trifle . aggrieved when told that the would......