26th January 1945, Page 20
26th January 1945
Page 20

Page 20, 26th January 1945
Transport Managers Discuss Losses Of Goods
A N important subject of discussion when the Road Transport. (Goods) Managers Association met at the Royal Hotel, Leicester, on January 8 was " Pilferages, Losses in Transit,......
Maintenance By The Small Operator
T HE fol:owing interestino . communication has reached us from Mr. G. Thomas, ofS. E. Thomas and Son, Ltd., Maidstone:— Jim an article headed " The Maker's Part in Post-War......
Delivering 30,000,000 Gallons Of Asphalt Per Year
A GOOD example of the way in which road transport is helping to, relieve the American railways and. incidentally, carrying out-the task more rapidly and efficiently, is shown by......