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Q Am I Correct In Assuming That A Con
tractor must employ the driver of a vehicle supplied under a C-hiring arrangement? It has been suggested that some contractors supposedly employ the driver but in fact charge......
0 . Where Can I Obtain Information About The Transport Bill?
A The new Transport Bill now before Parliament is basically a consolidation in legal terms of the several White Papers dealing with transport which have been issued in the past......
Q What Is The Cost Of Operating A
2,000 c. c. car on taxi and hire work averaging up to 800 miles a week and what difference would there be if fuel was purchased in bulk? A As set out in detail in the COMMERCIAL......
A What Is The Current Division Of The Inland Movement Of
freight in the UK between various forms of transport? Can any trends be deduced as to future developments? A Accurate up-to-date figures of transport operation on a national......
Cl We Are Concerned As To How The New
braking regulations will affect breakdown recovery vehicles. We have one such vehicle and are considering purchasing others. If these vehicles do not comply with these......
In The Recent Pib Report Charges, Costs And Wages In
the Road Haulage Industry, I understand figures were given on the average weekly hours and total earnings according to shift and size of vehicle. Can you give me any typical......
A A Reference Was Made Recently In Commercial Motor To A
weighing device for wheel loading of vehicles. Could you supply further information? The manufacturer may have been Hawker Siddeley. A We think you are referring to the Hands......
Q Do Any Accident Statistics Include
a reference to the effect with regard to accident proneness of fitting a radio into the cab of a typical long-distance driver? I run a small fleet of long-distance vehicles and......