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Time To Fight For Our Industry
IN 10 YEARS'TI LI there will no longer be a British road haulage industry, unless a 180' turn in attitude is taken now. There are still some who maintain that there will always......
We Need More Motorways
I WAS GLAD TO SEE that Stan Robinson is campaigning for a new motorway that would run from Warrington via Whitchurch and Telford then back to the M5 at the junction with the M42......
Too Many Drivers Dying At The Wheel Make It Easier
I WAS SHOCKED and saddened to read that so many drivers have been killed at the wheel of their trucks (CM 15 December 2005). Having worked night shifts on a regular basis, I've......
To Overtake
REGARDING THE overtaking ban on the M42 and overtaking HG Vs in general (CM 15 December 2005): it all boils down to courtesy. Everyone know it's preferable to drive HGVs with......