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Ba Business Studies With Transport Option
• The City of London College has now received approval from the Council for National Academic Awards for its BA Honours Degree in Business Studies, with a Transport......
Warehouse Management Course
• A one-week course in the practical application of modern warehouse techniques is to be held in London from Monday September 16 to Friday September 20. Subjects covered include......
Travelling Fellowship In Transportation
• One of the categories in which the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust will be offering travelling fellowships in 1969 is "Transportation—the planning and operation of public......
Industrial Relations Course
• A residential course for senior manage. ment is being organized by the Managemenl Studies Centre, Broadway House, London SW19, at King's College, Cambridge, frorr September 16......
Manchester Lota Studies
• In furtherance of the Institute of Traffic Administration's new education policy and the advent of its first graduateship examinations to be held in the spring of 1969, the......