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The Dangers Of Do It Yourself
IN your July 5 issue you provided information on vehicle bodybuilders by way of a bodybuilders guide. You gave due reference to the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association......
How The French Got Into Ulster
AS A regular reader of Commercial Motor I was greatly interested in "Echoes of Unity Down at the Arabian Wells'' (CM, June 14, p34). Although covering a lot of detail, one small......
Commercial Hobby Horse
MY HOBBY is vehicles. I am a collector of catalogues, snaps,. technical data and anything of interest to do with commercial vehicles. I am especially interested in lorries,......
Hauliers Should Turn On To Cb
I HAVE noticed with interest the deluge of letters in response to your notorious CB editorial. With the recent statement in Parliament in favour of CB, now is the time for all......
Cb: Saint Of The Highways
I DON'T think you know what you're talking about. CB radio? I've driven a truck in America for nearly ten years now and I don't know about CB causing any accidents, but I have......
Cb? The Thing's A Menace!
IT IS NOT often that my Assocaition agrees with Commercial Motor, but I do support strongly the views you expressed on Citizens' Band Radio (CM Editorial, May 24). There is no......
Misplaced Enthusiasm?
I AM very interested in lorries sc myself and a friend decided tc make a poster and go down tc the M1 near Strelley, Not tingham. We wrote on thE poster CB for the UK and WE......