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E Can No Longer Afford To Rim Special Services For
the benefit of particular industrial concerns without some appropriate contribution from them to cover our costs. We do not look for a high profit out of, such services, but......
"trying To Defeat Transport Act
-A CONCERTED effort is being made on the part of the road transport people, on both the road haulage and the passenger sides, to defeat the ends of the Transport Act," said Mr.......
M.p.s Attack Farmers' Privileges
O PENING the debate on the second reading of the Finance Bill, Mr. D. Jay, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said that the first aim of this, as of previous Budgets, was to......
1.r.t.e. Visits To Works
F ORTHCOMING events in the programme of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers include the following:—June 6, North-western centre, visit to Shell laboratories, Thornton-le......
Cost Of Petrol Rationing
S ALARIES for the 2,342 civil servants employed on the administi:ation of petrol rationing cost £785,000 a year. This information was given by the Minister of Fuel and Power in......