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Forget Speed Cameras Just Drive Properly
REGARDING THE comments about speed cameras by Dave Hammond (CM 5 May), yes they do generate revenue and yes, they are there to create a safe environment.He also states his......
No Pay Drop Under Wtd
FOLLOWING MONTHS of concern over the Working Time Directive,we are now six weeks in.The biggest worry I had was how it would affect my earnings, but! find that by being careful......
Getting Fatter?
We know why REGARDING THE LETTER from Anthony 0 Phillips (CM 28 April): if 80 private cars are emptying the supermarkets of 20 tonnes of produce (ie 250kg each!) are we not......
Make Mine A Double
ALTHOUGH THE NEW WorkingTime Directive has been covered a great deal in CM, the one aspect I have not seen specifically mentioned is the possible effect of double manning done......