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Permit Charges Dropped
THE METROPOLITAN Traffic Area has suddenly dropped its prosecution case against two operators who were alleged to be working together illegally no overcome international permit......
Tgwu Will Not Recruit Agency Drivers
DRIVERS who are members of the Transport and (;eneral Workers Union will have their cards renewed in January even if they arc working through temporary employment agencies. But......
Seabourne Covers Entire Country
THE SEA13OURNE European Express Parcels Group has opened its new North-eastern depot, which is located at Washington, County Durham. This is the ninth Seabourne depot, so that......
Axle Overload Costs Firm £355 Total
CONVICTIONS for a second axle overload on an articulated Outfit cost Wilsons Transport of Borou,L,dibridge and one of the company's drivers a total of £'355.50 in fines and......