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Diesel dates • The American-based Association of Diesel Specialists has announced convention dates for the next three years. El 16.20 August 1996: Sheraton Centre Hotel,......
Going Greek • DFDS Transport has launched a new driveraccompanied trailer service to and from Greece. The service will operate export and import deliveries five times a week to......
NVQ partnership • ReMIT, the training arm of the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RM1), has won approval to award NVQs on behalf of the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI).......
Road book • The AA has released the new edition of the Road Book of Britain. Costing £20, the book provides over 9,000 town and county profiles and other driver information. It......
Leak detector • Ultra Violet Products, the Cambridge-based ultra-violet technology specialist, has developed an engine leak detection system. Called "Reveal Plus" the new system......