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Son's Application The Son Of Burnley Haulier Thomas...
eightvehicle licence was revoked by North Western LA Martin Albu three weeks ago, has applied for a licence in his own name. David Brown has been given interim authority to......
Two Years Only Difficulties Over Maintenance Led To The...
held by Margaret McKnight, trading as Jack McKnight & Sons, of Lanark, being renewed for a two-year period only at a Glasgow public inquiry.......
Sacking Unreasonable A Driver Sacked After The Firm He...
for was taken over has been awarded £1,025 compensation for unfair dismissal. A Manchester industrial tribunal ruled that Intruckt 2000 had been unreasonable in the way it had......
Authorisation Reduced The Authorisation On The Licence...
Clayton of Norton, Gloucestershire, was reduced to one vehicle and one trailer at a Bristol disciplinary inquiry: In addition, Western LA air vice marshal Ronnie Ashford......
Licence Cut To Four Years
• The 14-vehicle licence held by R & M Development, of Manchester, has been renewed for four years, instead of the full five, by North Western Deputy LA John Levin. DOT vehicle......