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Another Liner Train Rebuff For Brb
From a Special Correspondent A SSUMPTIONS in some quarters that the liner trains dispute was virtually over when, a week or two ago, the National Union of Railwaymen's......
Goods Carriage Act Now Obtainable
T HE Royal Assent has been given to the Carriage of Goods by Road Bill, designed to give statutory effect to the MR Convention. It is probable that the Ministry of Transport......
Call For Lorry Speed Limit On Motorways And Use Of Recorders
H IGHLY controversial resolutions are to be discussed at the first session of this year's Road Haulage Association Conference on Tuesday, October 12 at Blackpool, while sessions......
Six-month Setback For Mairr Lc, Schemes
T HE Minister of Transport has announced that about half the motorway and trunk road schemes due to start shortly will be deferred for six months because of the deferment of......