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Rablock Gets A Warning
• Eastern Licensing Authority Brigadier Compton Boyd has renewed the licence held by Rablock Scaffolding of Nottingham for two years, but he has warned the company that it......
• Scottish Licensing Authority Hugh Mcnamara Has Reserved...
on a bid for a new licence by Clayland Dairies, following opposition from Edinburgh District Council and local residents. Alastair MacKay and Hanish Irvine, trading as Clayland......
• West Midland La John Mervyn Pugh Is To Continue
with his policy of granting short-term licences to new licence applicants despite comments by the Transport Tribunal. Mervyn Pugh says projected financial figures can not be......
Eff's Licence Is Hit On Maintenance
• The duration of the sixtyvehicle licence held by Brierley Hill based ETF Distribution has been cut by West Midland Licensing Authority John Mervyn Pugh, following maintenance......