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This New Tracked Vehicle Has Air Suspension
Pl. A NEW type of off-the-road vehicle, designed to carry heavy oil-exploration equipment, is thought to be the first tracked machine to embody air suspension. The machine is......
Minibus Application Refused
4 - 1 A MINIBUS operator, who had been prosecuted for " pirate running" only last week, on Monday had an application refused and a second application adjourned by the Northern......
Can Offences By An Individual Be Held Against A Company ?
C AN offences committed before the formation of a limited company be taken into account in revocation or suspension proceedings against the company before a Licensing Authority?......
Ribble Lose Appeal
T HE Court of Appeal last week dismissed with costs an appeal by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., from a judgment of Mr. Justice Paull at Carlisle in January, 1960, awarding Mrs.......