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Your Chance To Speak Up On Lruc - ,ustoms & Excise
has eleased a discussion paper on the .,orry Road User Charge ( LRUC) "3 give UK operators a say in how should be implemented. You have until 28 February to comment on issues......
Ldv Makes History And Prays For A Future
THE FUTURE OF Britain's only independent van manufacturer hinges on the success of its all-new Maxus range, launched this week. LDV has seen its market share dwindle during the......
Navel Disaster
The M20 was closed for 12 hours on 19 January after a truck loaded with oranges crashed into a van and dumped its load across the carriageway .......
Suburban Charge
London transport chief Bob Kiley is set to announce plan for the expansion of London congestion charging into the suburbs. The scheme will us , a new payment system with......
Chunnel Results
Channel Tunnel operator Eurotunnel carried marginak fewer trucks on its shuttle service last year compared with 2003. Operating prof its fell 4% to £538m.......
Deadly Fall
A truck driver was killed when he fell from his cab on 19 January after his vehicle skidded on ice and was left hanging from a bridge on thE A9 near Dunblane.......
Fair Reward
Fair Trials Abroad founder Stephen Jakobi has been awarded an OBE for service! to British prisoners abroad in the New Years Honours list.......
Digital Views
The DVLA has launched a consultation paper on fees for digital tachograph smartcards. Views should bE submitted by 15 February. Contact: dog.dvla@