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A.r.o. Financial Position
T HE accounts of Associated Road Operators will be presented when the Association meets at the Royal Empire Society, Northumberland Avenue, London, SAVA, on August 5. The income......
Emergency Fish-transport Plan
CIRST meeting has been held at I Plymouth of a Port Shadow Committee, consisting of representatives of the industry which has been formed in connection with the fish trade. Its......
Stabilized Rates For " Smalls "
D ATES for the carriage of " smalls " "Aare already fixed in Glasgow and the districts immediately surrounding the city. Operators who would like similar stabilization to be......
Crossley Motors Defence Corps
S OME time ago, in connection with the national defence movement, Crossley Motors, Ltd., formed a local defence volunteer corps. It is attached to the company's works at Gorton,......
Edmunds, Walker West-country Re-arrangement
T FIE service and supplies organization at Plymouth of Edmunds, ,Walker and Co., Ltd., the headquarters of which are at the laroadway, London, N.W.9, is, for the present, being......
Fuel Without Coupons Dropped
A N interesting denouement is reported, concerning a recent short paragraph in this journal, about a northern firm handling large quantities of a fuel or mixture in substitution......
Spare Parts Specialist's New Address
T UE spare parts and supplies business of Scottorn, Ltd., has been removed from Chelsea, London, to 173, Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey. The company's business has expanded......
Personal Pars Mr. Thomas Creaney Has Been Appointed...
MR. J. Wzray, managing director of Walter Burgess, Ltd., a Keighley concern of automobile engineers an traders, has presented an ambulance to the local casualty services. MR.......