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Time Limit
North Western Traffic Commissioner Beverly Bell has imposed time limits on artics using the premises of Liverpool-based TJ May &Sons (Carriers). This follows an initial decision......
Ini Mercy Drivers Could Face Prosecution For Beingjust A Few
miles per hour over speed limits under new Association of Chief Police Officers guidelines. The police had tried to relax enforcement of speed limits but will now crack down in......
Chunnel Boost The Number Of Trucks Using The Channel Tunnel
rose 42% to 543,095 for the first half of 2000, allowing Eurotunnel to increase its fleet of freight shuttles from seven to 16. The company has covered the loss of duty-free by......
Unixr Al Premier Warehousing And Distribution,...
gone into liquidation. Creditors should contact David Hill or Peter William Engel of Solomon Hare, 4th Floor, Riverside House, 31 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF1 9H0 before 31......
Mk Shop
An Internet "supermarket for the transport industry" has been launched at The first 1,000 companies to register will get free mobile phones. Contact: 01773......
Loninni Tolls Mayor Of London Ken Livingstone Wants To...
congestion charging in the capital by 2002, extending the toil zone to include Chelsea and Kensington.......
Hfa Urges Army Of Truckers To Back New Demo
by Liam O'Brien The organisers of the Dump the Duty campaign are planning another driving demo in September in addition to the two scheduled Dover Port blockades. On 25......
. „and Sues Government Over Unfair Fuel Tax
• The Hauliers and Farmers Alliance plans to take the UK government to the European Court of Justice, claiming tax discrimination against British hauliers. It has taken legal......