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27th June 1969, Page 33
27th June 1969
Page 33
Page 33, 27th June 1969

• When A Man Gets A Drive-over Because He Is

the sole competitor in his class there is usually a nagging suspicion that without a slice of luck he would have been nowhere. At the Leeds LDoY round on Sunday, A. Twinham......

Uk-rumanian Transport Agreement

• An agreement between the United Kingdom and the Socialist Republic of Rumania to facilitate road transport between the two countries was signed at the Foreign and Commonwealth......

Fta Potteries Area Open Meeting

• Mr. R. G. Lewis. MoT engineer in charge of goods vehicle testing in the West Midlands area, will speak on Testing and Plating at a Freight Transport Association (Potteries......

Ece Approves German Bracket Rate Plans

• Draft German plans for bracket rates to be applied for international road transport movements have been approved by the European Commission subject to clarification on three......

Charity Cheque A 'shady Precedent', Says Mp

• A Conservative MP has expressed - astonishment at Employment Secretary Mrs. Castle's refusal to refer to the Prices and Incomes Board the payment of £5,000 by a road haulage......