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Sale Price On A Portable 1110
• The EM130XT 1304 portable MIG welder is one of 450 new entries in Sealey Power Products' latest 450-page power tool catalogue. Designed to make life easier for mobile welders......
Torqueing Tight Spaces
Norbar's latest lightweight Model 400 sindrive 80-400Nm torque wrench is designed for use in confined spaces, where the angle of ratchet tooth engagement is limited. Weighing......
Bids And Devilbiss For A Smooth Finish
• To achieve superior paint finishes and boost efficiency, DeVilbiss recommends matching its Gifi spray gun equipment with the Binks DPP diaphragm pump range. There are four......
Farm Your Workshop
Iston-based Robert-Gordon pe has extended its range .adiant heaters with the kheat PH plaaue range. hey are designed for highlocations; typically in loadjays, warehouses or......
• Linkay Systems, Which Handled The Servicing,...
of a number of emission testers used in vehicle test stations, has gone into liquidation. The Retail Motor Industry Federation advises affected test stations to find alternative......