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Use After Revocation Means Licence Application's Denied
1 CASE HIGHLIGHT The continued use of vehicles k nowingly without the authority of an 0-licence is almost bound to jeopardise the good repute of the operator. A Merseyside......
Ikons [11911131 A Bid For An 0-licence By Leeds-based Kevin
Edge, trading as Polystyrene UK, was turned down by the North Eastern IC Tom Macartney at a Leeds Public Inquiry. Earlier the IC had refused to return two vehicles to Edge that......
Foiualwjng Rotherham-based Meadowhall Thansport Has Been...
In respect of the company's maintenance standards, The company appeared before the North Eastern TO Tom Macartney at a Leeds disciplinary Inquiry.......
Application Is Withdrawn Despite Victory
A BrechIn-based firm has withdrawn Its application for an Operator's Licence despite winning a partial victory over the Scottish Traffic Commissioner at the Transport Tribunal.......