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Close Finish In Handicap
A the committee responsible for the Manchester round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest disagrees with the national committee on the methods laid down for finding an......
Manchester Round
over the past five years, duly adjusted to compensate for length and weight of vehicle. Whilst the competitors were well satisfied with this arrangement, the intention is that......
Mancheste R Results
Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 cwt.: 1. 0. Hearn (Express Dairy Ltd.), Commer. 139 penalty points: 2. R. Adams (Fred Dawes Ltd.). Austin. 217:3. D. Penkethman (Top Rank Home......
Fallen Champions
RUISLIP ROUND XCELLENT organization was again a feature of the Ruislip Round of the LDOY this year and in spite of inevitable slowing up of the proceedings because of......
Ruislip Results
Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 20 cwt.: 1. C. Hodge (Smiths Industries Ltd.), Austin. 120 penalty points: 2. H. Wall (Kodak Ltd.). Austin, 154: 3, A. A. Miller (GPO). Morris,......