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D'ya Wanna Be In My Snow-plough Gang?
D potted by one of my fellow hacks at the IRTE show in Telford the other week, was this mysteriously named gritter. Is the mighty king of Glam Rock making a comeback? Come on!......
Children Benefit From Centurion Club
2 reat Ormond Street children's' hospital received £2,000 from the Centurion Owners' Club at the end of the second club meet at Trackfest. All future club profits will benefit......
A Fair Day's Work...
5 here seems to be a trend for office wallahs to get their hands dirty First we had Swansea council's chief engineer Ifon Jones putting in a shift with the binznen to raise......
What's In A Name?
ii hese days, the biggest problem for the would-be inventor may be to name his or her creation. That well-known acronym MIRA—the Motor Industry Research Association—has launched......