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Network Gets Heavy About Escorts
THE HEAVY TRANSPORT Association (HTA) has formed a nationwide network of certified abnormal load escorts to ensure the safe movement of Special 'Types traffic. The launch of the......
Wtd-pay Deal
Drivers at ACC Transpc are to receive an 18.5°A rise over the next two-al a-half years, with workir hours cut to 48 per wee deal is between the Uni of Shop, Distributive an......
Meachers Hijal
A Meachers Transport truck containing £250,0( of alcohol was hijacked Royal Oak industrial est Daventry last Monday ('‘' November). The driver was threatened with a 51 gun......
Stoning Ordeal
Police want witnesses to thugs pelting a truck with stones, smashing its windscreen at around 4,15pm on 17 Novembe at Cowley roundabout or the A417 in Cheltenham, Contact:......
Slow Bill
Long-awaited legislation on corporate killing will n( be included in the Queer Speech. It is only expect as a draft during the next parliamentary session.......
Milking C.ampai
Pressure group Farmers For Action is stepping up its blockades of dairy anc supermarket depots in its attempts to improve the h gate milk price.......