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Service Overhaul At Death Coach Garage
MORE stringent maintenance procedures have been drawn up by West Yorkshire PTE, following the accident earlier this year in which five police pfficers died in one of its......
Go Cpc With Cm
FOLLOWING our mock CPC examination at this year's Fleet Management Conference — where the pass rate was only four per cent — CM is to encourage aspiring certificate holders with......
Toyota Uvind-clown Lisplay
EW vehicles are on show on le Toyota stand at the Motor how this week because the 3mpany has sold its annual uota for 1978 already. A spokesman told CM that oyota had been hit......
Scottish Drivers Threaten Action
SCOTTISH lorry drivers and road hauliers are meeting again today to discuss their claim for a wage rise well in excess of the Government's five per cent guidelines. This follows......
Tax Move No Help
GOVERNMENT plans to abolish road tax do not affect diesel-engined vehicles, but operators of light vans and company cars will be affected. A Treasury spokesman told CM this week......
Read It?
Why not write it? WE ARE looking for a News Assistant to replace Man Millar who is now one of our features writers. If you are sitting at a traffic desk wondering when your next......