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Joint Statement • On Behalf Of The Major Uk Trailer
axle manufacturers listed below we take issue with the higher wheel nut fastening torques advocated in the recent IRTE press release. We recommend and totally support the use of......
True Knights Of The Road • On Saturday, 15 October,
I and another driver Paul (Ghostrider), who drives for ANC (Newcastle upon Tyne), were northbound on the Al at Scotch Corner at approximately 5am. Visibility was about 15-20......
Discounts Discounted • I Would Like To Draw Your Attention
to a number of misleading points in your spare parts survey (CM 6-12 October issue). The prices quoted appear in the main to be based on the manufacturers' retail prices, and as......
Computer Gen Wanted For Book • I Am Researching The
history and development of computerised fleet management systems for a book that I am writing and would appreciate any information from your readers on this subject. I am......