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Sheep Hauliers Face Ban
• Livestock hauliers face a total ban on the export of live sheep to the Continent, despite the fact that the RSPCA has already failed to win judicial backing for such a ban......
Green Roads • Better Roads Will Lead To Reduced Emissions,
noise and danger from vehicles, and will help conserve old towns and cities by getting rid of traffic, says the British Roads Federation in a new leaflet.......
The Prize Guys
• The boys done good! The winners of CM's 1990 38-tonne Fuel Economy Run (CM 20-26 September) collected their spoils last week. Above: Volvo Trucks (Great Britain) managing......
Lost Wheel Blamed For Deaths
• The death of two Securicor guards has been blamed on a wheel which came off an artic heading south on the A34 in Hampshire, a Winchester inquest has heard. The wheel hit the......
Bridges Bill
• Repairs to rail bridges which have been damaged by trucks must be paid by poll tax payers and not British Rail, says BR chairman Sir Bob Reid.......