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Ugh Court
• own on ightweight eville-Charrold, Ltd of ansfield Notts, manufacrers of the Ultralite tipping Idy, brought proceedings in e High Court this week ;aihst George Neville Truck......
Burden Turns Nfc Profits To £9.5m Loss
investment would be non profit earning. The corporation increased its total business and improved its trading profit in 1977. The year was described by Sir Dan as, "an......
National Freight Corporationi 1976. Freightliners' Loss...
All of the NFC's other companies grouped together reduced a £5.3m loss to a £2.6m loss. The estimated trading loss for 1978 is £3.5m provided outside forces, like oil prices, do......
Br Aggression
DESPITE what appeared to be an olive branch from British Rail chairman Peter Parker last month, the board's publicity department is still engaged in an aggressive anti-road......
Tachos Ok Says Rha
ROAD Haulage Association policy on tachographs is not to support compulsory fitting — but not to object to the instrument either said RHA vice chairman John Silbermann. But he......