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Traders Warned Of Illegalities
-THE, Tees-side and South West 1 Durham Chamber of Commerce have sent a letter to their members drawing attention to certain irregular road haulage operations. These, say the......
Nelson Bus Depot To Close
A N estimated saving of £2,900 a year will result from the closing of the Nelson bus depot of the Burnley, Colnc and Nelson undertaking, it was stated last week. Buses from the......
Road Better Than Rail?
R OAD transport is being tried by Dorman Long and Co„ Ltd., for carrying iron ore from the North Skelton mine to their ironworks at Redcar. Railway trucks are normally used, but......
Air-cooled Engine In Light Tractor I N The Process Of...
transport, the Docks and Inlar Waterways Executive are using a tall number of Garner industrial tracto made by Garner Mobile Equipmen Ltd., North Acton Road, Londo N.W.10. This......