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N.c.0.1. Fails To Reach Pay Agreement
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT mEARLY seven hours of talks by the National Council for the Omnibus Industry in London on Tuesday failed to bring an agreement on the......
Call For Free Bus Service
O N Sunday Glasgow City Labour Party passed a resolution calling for the introduction of a free municipal transport service. The resolution—passed against the advice of the......
Forth Bridge Tours ?
A PPL1CATIONS to run excursions and tours from Ayrshire holiday resorts to destinations via the Forth Road Bridge have been made by Dodds Coaches. Troon, to the Scottish Traffic......
Grimsby's Problem Embers' Of The Grimsby-cleethorpes Iv'...
transport committee were told last week by Mr. John Rostron, general manager, that bus fares would have to he increased because of rising costs, which included wage increases.......
News In Brief
Coach Rally Entries: Entry forms for the National Coach Rally at Blackpool (April 4 to 5) can now be obtained from Mr. A. E. Walls, Walls Motor Tours Ltd., 279 Manchester Road,......
Longer Day Tours For Independent
I NCREASED availability and demand for long-distance day tours was the reason for an application to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners on Friday by Mr. William Anderton......