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New Talks On Bus Dispute
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D ESPITE eleventh-hour efforts to prevent it, London was hit by a crippling ban on overtime and rest-day working on the part of its busmen this......
Emergency Measures For London
S OME of the suburban areas of London will be completely without bus services from next Sunday, if emergency measures announced by the London Transport Board on Tuesday are......
Monorail For Manchester?
TRANSPORT COMMITTEE PLAN The Saf age monorail test track near Paris. M ANCHESTER transport committee will urge the city council on Wednesday to approve the first part of a plan......
. . While At Runcorn It Is Buses
P LANS for transportation in the proposed new town of Runcorn (estimated eventual population 90,000) aim at designing for the motor age. The Runcorn Development Corporation......