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The Lost-wheel Syndrome
CARELESS TORQUE COSTS LIVES The Department of Transport has produced a guidance leaflet for HGV operators, Careless Torque Costs lives, to help them reduce the incidence of......
R What Is The Effect Of A
loCONVICTION? • Every conviction has to be notified to the Traffic Commissioner within 28 days. This will probably result in a fleet inspection. An unsatisfactory fleet......
The Lost Wheel Syndrome
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT REPORT ON THE INCIDENCE OF WHEEL DETACHMENT FROM COMMERCIAL VEHICLES This report estimates that there ore between 2,000 and 3,000 incidents of wheel......
The Lost Wheel Syndrome
THE VEHICLE INSPECTORATE Categorisation of Defects on Road Vehicles states that: • More than one missing or loose wheelnut/stud should result in an immediate prohibition. • A......