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Contract Hire And Leasing
WE REFER to a report headed "Contract hire will replace leasing" (CMJuly 7). While we appreciate that the report was compiled by an outside study group, and the context may have......
Hgv: It's Not Fair
WITH reference to your editorial 'Act on report' (CMJ uly 7), 1 would like to put forward my point of view. First of all the hgv test should be scrapped. Why £65 plus £478 for......
Fmc Is A Great Event
AS I AM retiring at the beginning of August, I shall not be attending this year's Conference but I wish to put on record the fact that having attended most of the 20 Fleet......
Re-inventing The Tram
TWO QUITE separate items in (CM, July 7) prompt me to write. First of all we had Mr P Baker's interesting letter regarding the re-invention of the split step entrance to......