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Double Delight For Silenthight
• Silentnight drivers came out on top at the northeast regional finals of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition held at Tynemouth. Overall winner was E Dawson with 71 points,......
Truckers Needed In Murder Hunt
• West Mercia Police, investigating the murder of Marie Wilks on Saturday 18 June on the M50, are asking for truck drivers who were using the motorway between 18.00 and 20.00Ius......
Booze Cruise Buses Busted
• Two coach operators have been fined for dangerously overloading their vehicles by as much as a third with passengers' duty-free beer. Three coaches were recently found to be......
Load Crisis Hits Coaches
• A third of Britain's coaches are running over the legal load weight, according to the results of a roadside weight check in south-east England. 3us 7oac ili 12 metre n'?......