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Eec Backs 17 Unsavoury Charactors
ONE of the unforseen blessings of membership of the EEC is the requirement that every vehicle produced in the United Kingdom must have a 17-character Vehicle Identification......
Michelin Runs On Methane
MICHELIN has been contributing to energy conservation in subtle ways for nearly 30 years. Compared with the cross-ply cover, the radial tyre, introduced in Britain in the early......
Chairman's Tale Of Woe
STEPHEN GIBBS, chairman of Turner and Newall, which owns Ferodo and many other companies, does not beat about the bush. In an expensively produced special report for 1979 he......
Gas Men Defect To The Other Side
SIX high-speed gasmen from Norwich have defected to the enemy and entered for the Lucas Electrathon speed trial for battery-driven vehicles . at Donington Park on September 13.......
Taxi Men Need To Be Converted
AUSTRALIA'S taxis, eac averaging 80,000 miles a yea' would cost £20 a week less t run if they were converted fror petrol to dery power. This is a point that Perkins i trying to......
Our Journal Is Steamrollered
A. R. PORTER, editor of The lrc Wheel, published by the Lai cashire Traction Engine Clul was delighted when he cam across an issue of Commerci. Motor dated May 14, 1908. It......