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Roast Beef
• An angry mob of French farmers ambushed a British trucker in northern France and burnt his load of beef.......
Two Expelled
• The Bus and Coach Council has expelled two members — Ferris Coach Holidays of Senghennydd and CTC Coach Travel of Bridgend — for bringing the industry into disrepute.......
Old Timers
• Old-style weight limit signs are still in use despite being outlawed since 1 January, claims the Freight Transport Association.......
York Sale
• York's biggest bus company, York City and District, has been put on the market by the AJS Group which bought it in 1987 following deregulation.......
Under Cover
• Yeovil-based Abbey Hill Vehicle Services is about to take delivery of a revolutionary fully enclosed car transporter for the new 8501 BMW.......
Permits Available
• Cabotage permits are still available from the International Road Freight Office in Newcastle. Contact 091232 7575.......
Green Line
• A hotline for public complaints about smoking diesel engines attracted 500 calls from the public on the day it opened, according to its sponsor Green magazine.......
Sailing Soon
• As CM went to press, a meeting between French ferry workers and Sealink had been arranged which was hoped to end the Channel ferry strike.......
Steam Bid
• Sea Containers has launched a £17.5rn bid for the control of 160-year-old ferry farm, Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.......
Ec Holds Fire On Hgv
• The future of the proposed 3.5-tonne goods vehicle driving licence limit is now in jeopardy because of a new EC amendment. The amendment, passed by the European Parliament on......
Southampton Ban Is Delayed
• Southampton City Council has been forced to delay its proposed lorry ban until 1992/ 93 due to lack of funds. It wants to ban trucks of 7.5 tonnes and above from the city......
Ec Hits Back At German Foreign Truck Toll
MI The European Commission looks likely to take emergency steps to stop the West German government from introducing its lorry tax on 1July. The request for an interim injunction......
Thatcher Tolls Stun Dtp
• An unprecented plan to open up a network of lorryonly toll motorways in Britain has been unveiled by the Prime Minister. Mrs Thatcher took senior ministers completely by......