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Exel: Dual-fuel Ooooooooo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• Exel Tradeteam was at MIRA to try a dual-fuel (diesel/compressed natural gas) conversion from the US company Innovative Technology Group which is marketed in the UK by......
Bt: Ford Transit
• BT carried out an exercise to see if the new Ford Transits and their DuraTorq diesel engines could deliver appreciably better fuel consumption than the older models with their......
Part One (on The Highspeed Track):
Five laps at a steady 37mph (60km/h). Five laps at a steady 50mph (80km/h). Five laps at 56mph (90km/h) or 60mph (96km/h), depending on speed-limiter fitment. This gives a total......
Part Two (on The Inner Durability Circuit): Five Laps At
a steady 31mph (50km/h), stopping once per lap. Five laps, stopping six times per lap with inter-stop speeds of 20mph (32km/h) (twice) and 30mph (48km/h) (four times). This......
The Fuel Used Over Both Sections Is Added Together And
divided into the total standard distance for the two sections (111.93km) to produce an overall fuel consumption figure.......