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No "30" Pay Settlement: £700 Fines
L'AILURE to settle methods of paying . drivers following the abolition of the 20 m.p.h. limit was partly responsible for a series of " hours and records " offences by S.......
White Paper On Tests Of Old Vehicles
THE Government scheme for the corn1 pulsory testing of goods vehicles not over 30 cwt. unladen, cars and motorcycles 10 or more years old, is to be outlined in a White Paper to......
New Relaxed Regulations For 12-seaters . • •
R tViSED Conditions of Fitness RegulationS; permitting 12-scatets' to be used as public service vehicles, Were announced on Tuesday. Provisions coVering the width and height of......
Battle To Beat Lakeland Bus Ban
A PROPOSAL by the British Transport Commission to close the 99-year-old single-track railway which served five small stations between Coniston . and Foxfield, in the heart of......