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Norman Tebbit Has Them Cheering
THE TORIES are assured of at least 800 or so votes on June 9. Harold Russett, chairman, at the Road Haulage Association annual dinner, had only to mention the name of Norman......
Streamlined Rha Wins Back Members
HAROLD RUSSETT was full of confidence in the streamlined RHA. More than 300 new members had been recruited already this year, he said. Nonmembers were no longer asking: "What......
The Compasionate (temporary) Taxman
I HAD ALWAYS believed that an inspector of taxes needed a broad streak of sadism and no sense of humour. This is not so, otherwise how could Forbes Macgregor have involved......
Bullworkers Of The World Unite
ATLAS, heavily disguised as Arthur Scargill, posed as the stong man with a 8-ton solid marble sculpture when Vanguard Engineering moved the National Union of Mineworkers'......
Lead On Blindly Ho Needed
WHEN, as a virtuous motorist first obeyed official exhortatic to use dipped headlights in lighted streets, I was cursed ty an ambulance driver, who, I assumed, had a vested......
One Down And One To Play
A COLLISION at sea has been more disastrous than bombin European Gateway, the Townsend Thoresen ferry salvaged after a collison last December, cannot economica be repaired and......