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Emergency Food Transport
6 PLANS READY' R EPLYING to a Parliamentary question by Mr. Groves, Major Lloyd George said last week that detailed plans for food distribution under invasion conditions had......
Governmen'p Haulage-scheme Appointments
A T the Yorkshire operators' mass meeting held in Leeds on Sunday last, reported on page 317, for discussion of the Government haulage scheme, the North-east Regional Transport......
Guarding The Worker's Health
R EFUSAL to recognize unpleasant truths has, in the past, been responSible for the initiation and perpetration of many quite unnecessary evils.' Among these may be reckoned......
Personal Pars
MR. E. firccrss, transport manager of Currie and Co. (Newcastle), Ltd., has been elected an associate member of ,the Institute of Transport. ALDERMAN RICHARD MAYNE has been......