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Hastings Fares Application Claimed To Be Improper
WHEN Hastings Tramways Co. IT applied for permission to increase fares, Mr. P. H. Bartlett, deputy town clerk of Hastings, challenged the validity of the concern's application.......
Scotland-ireland : Tours Or Express Services ?
"A SERVICE which provides for the conveyance of parties to a port of embarkation and for their return after an interval at an inclusive charge, meant to preserve the parties as......
Solution Of The Dazzle Problem ?
S OME highly important investigations into the &Tale problem have recently been conducted by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club, . using a polarized Lighting system. In......
Public Should Not Be • Forced To Use Rail
T HE travelling public should not have rammed down their throat a railway service which is inconvenient and costs 19s. more." This statement was made by Mr. D. E. Skelding,......