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Discretionary Inclusive Fares For Tours Upheld
C OACH operators in the north-west who fix their own inclusive charges for named tours last week defeited a move to have the system altered (The Commercial Motor, November 21).......
"big Fleets Need A Common User" ' I T Is
not desirable for a haulier with a large fleet to have vehicles operating under separate normal users, Mr. Alex Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority, said last week.......
Rootes Truck Sales Up Last Year
D ESPITE difficult conditions, many more commercial vehicles were sold last year by the Rootes Group than in the previous year, says Sir William Rootes in his annual statement.......
A-licence Grant To Stand—tribunal
T HE grant of four A-licence vehicles in place of six on contract-A to Taylors (Contract Hire Service), Ltd.. Glasgow, was upheld by the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh last......