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Help For The Asking
TT is an obvious truth that no manufacturer of goods requiring after1 sales service should attempt to sell overseas before he has established an adequate service organization.......
Our Ernest
F EW of Her Majesty's Ministers eau have had such a mixed reception as an after-meal speaker as Mr. Ernest Marplesour own Minister of Transport. Some like him, some don't. I......
Burle Rancis Caunt
p RACTICAL market research is a matter in which Burley Francis Caunt, managing director of Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., has taken a deep personal interest. His development of his......
Bird's Eye View By The Hawk
Hailsham Humour H OW about, incidentally, the delightful sally from Lord Hailsham at last week's Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders dinner: "I g ot my bull from Geoffrey......