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Undercutting Will Let In Rivals, Commissioners Tell...
0 ERATORS who run services for employees of Government departments in rural areas on a yearly basis cannot expect to keep another operator out if their tenders are undercut by a......
Rail Fare And Freight Charges Increase
F ARE and freight increases by the British Tr an spor t Commission announced last week and due to start coming into effect next month, will bring in Eqm. in extra revenue, next......
Fares At Leicester.well Remain Stable
L I AM will not go up at Leicester for at least a year, despite new awards to bus crews which will cost the transport undertaking £60,000 a year. Mr. Sidney Bridges, chairman of......
Micrograms . . .
New Office: A new office will he opened by United Dominions Trust, Ltd., at 7 East St. Mary's Gate, Grimsby, on May 9. New Leeds Depot: The Davies Tyre Co., Ltd., have moved......