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Labour Relations In Road Haulage
by John Darker, AMB1 ONE OF the knottiest problems on the desk of Mr Michael Foot, Secretary for Employment, is what to do about defining dockwork. If he extends the National......
Blast It
Five models bave been added to the Euroblest range of sandblast equipment. Each model is capable of using aluminium oxide, iron or steel grits, shots or sand, providing that......
Easy •
reader An easily read 254min (10in) diameter illuminated scale is one of the features on the new Hartridge N1K2A roller brake tester. The gauges are mounted in a remote console......
From Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co Comes A Light...
pump. Made from polypropylene the pump can handle most liquids, including fuel oils, acids, end alkalis. lit has a maximum output capacity of 100 litres per min (22gal per min)......