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29th July 1977, Page 34
29th July 1977
Page 34
Page 34, 29th July 1977

Cm* In Wm Wilt

TOGETHER with my colleagues I would like to bask undisturbed in the warm glow of success attributed to my company in CM July 15. To do so, however, would be a disservice to the......


starved of cash as a result of inadequate rates, ignoring for as long as possible the frightening cost of new vehicles and making insufficient provision for replacement by......

Can Kot Kb*

Reel aVe • • al I was interested to read the article in CM July 8 — 'Get rid of the two year olds', and fully concurwith Mr. VVelch's comments. My particular company is part of......

'dealt Ed..

I am a Class 1 driver, my question is: Why is it these big haulage firms on Continental work never seem to be interested when you write to enquire about employment as a driver.......

I Am Writing To You In Respons To Mr Johnson's

article 'Haulier's Burden' (CM July 1 in order to clear up a few misconceptions in the article. Mr Johnson credits the Floc Drink and Tobacco Board as 'perhaps the only......