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I N Less Troubled Times, Bulk Blowers Have A Small But
regular niche market. But building and maintaining such vehicles, with their complex pneumatic delivery systems, is just breadand-butter work to specialists like Wisbechbased......
Blower System Operation
Product is discharged from the multi-compartment body via the outlet pipe at the rate of about a tonne every two minutes. The process needs just under 1.0 bar (13psi) of air......
Hydraulic Drive
The hydraulic pumps are powered by the PTO via a dryrunning splined shaft, which needs greasing at every major service. Undo the mounting bolts and remove the pump altogether.......
Oil Cooler
Excessore heat in the hydraulic's high-pressure side is dispersed by the Drum cooler pack, but after six months of prolonged use the oil is ready for a change. Drain the oil in......
Priden Profile
Company partnership formed:1988. Factory: VVisbech,13,00Clft 2 . Proprietors: Coin Prior, Ivan Mod en and Les Walker. Number of staff: 48 (pneumatics division 26, engineering......