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Passenger News
Bid to boost buses THE CONFEDERATION of Briti changing its name to the Bus £500,000 campaign to rescue the The change of name, which is designed to give the trade association a......
Beware French Fines
MORE rigid enforcement of rules governing "closed door" coach tours by French authorities have resulted in stiff fines for some British coach operators and the Department of......
Riding High
PASSENGER levels on Tyne and Wear PTE's integrated bus and Metro network have risen beyond the predicted level. Total ridership has increased by 0.6 per cent despite the effects......
Red Cards?
COACH OPERATORS allowing football hooligans on their coaches could have their operator's licence suspended or revoked, said Junior Transport Minister Reginald Eyre. The warning......
'turn Back Lt's Clock'
LONDON TRANSPORT is too i portant to be treated as a pol cal football, Confederation British Industry deputy direc general Kenneth Edwards tol■ group of London businesmen. He......