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"no Principle Followed In Replacing Tram Services"
MO principle had been followed by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in " deciding who should run bus services to replace trams between Paisley and Renfrew, Mr. C. D. Johnstone,......
Meeting Free Trade Challenge
C OMMENTS about the European Common Market and Free Trade Area were made by the chiefs of two prominent manufacturing concerns this week in their annual reports. Sir Leonard......
" T.r.t.a. Must Look Ahead
D URING the next few years, the Traders' Road Transport Association would have to look far beyond immediate problems, especially with the advent of European free trade, Mr. S.......
"normal Use R Is Flexible"
IF a haulier went to the Licensing Authority every time a customer asked him to go a little outside his normal user, he might make 10 appearances at Traffic Court during the......