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Bea Orders 65 Trailer-towing Routemasters
P ROPOSALS by British European I Airways to replace the one-and-a-halfdeck coaches on the London Airport run with double-deck coaches hauling luggage trailers have now reached a......
Minister Dismisses Hartlepool Appeal
T HE Minister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by the Hartlepool (Co. Durham) Borough Council against a decision •of the Northern Traffic Commissioners granting to the West......
'cut Fuel Tax Or Rural Services Will Go'
INLESS the Government makes substantial cuts in the fuel tax for p.s.v. operators, there will be a total withdrawal of rural bus services, warned Mr. J. T. Steele, national......
Bus Pay Inquiry Will Be In Public
From our Industrial Correspondent i E Committee of Inquiry into the Company busmen's dispute over pay and conditions, which is to start its hearings next Monday (April 5), will......
In Brief
Manchester Presentation : At the meeting of area C of the MPTA in Manchester on Wednesday, Mr. A. F. Neal was presented with a nest of tables by his MPTA colleagues, !narking......
Urban Roads N Ow The Target
T OO much road spending had been on inter-city links, hinted the Minister of Transport on Monday; he was changing this, and the 38 per cent share spent on roads in conurbations......