2nd April 1976, Page 22
2nd April 1976
Page 22

Page 22, 2nd April 1976
First Irish-bodied Ailsas
FIRST of the Van Hool-bodied Ailsas has now been delivered to South Yorkshire PTE. This Is the first export order of double-deckers from Dublin to the UK, but Van Hoof has hopes......
Bus Crews To Fight Cuts
BUS CREWS at a Dunfermline depot have voted not to implement service cuts due to start this month. Mr James Irvine, branch secretary of the TGWU at the W. Alexander & Sons......
Pwilhelinictoria Express Soon
A FAST NEW coach service proposed by National Travel (North West) Ltd, between Pwllheli and London Victoria, has been approved by the North Western Traffic Commissioners. The......